Advocating on Behalf of Californians with Developmental Disabilities and the Community-Based Regional Center System
California’s regional centers are an interdependent network of 21 community-based organizations. For over 400,000 Californians with developmental disabilities, community life is made possible by their regional center. They are guided by locally-based independent boards of directors that are responsible for oversight and guidance of how their center brings the promise of the Lanterman Act to life. Centers collaboratively work on shared opportunities, challenges, and needs through the Association of Regional Center Agencies (ARCA).
The mission of ARCA is to promote, support, and advance regional centers in achieving the intent and mandate of the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act in providing community-based services that enable individuals with developmental disabilities to achieve their full potential and highest level of self-sufficiency. The Association functions as a leader and advocate in promoting the continuing entitlement of individuals with developmental disabilities to all services that enable full community inclusion. The Association also participates in the development of public legislative policy and serves as a focal point for communication, education, training, and prevention services.
- One of the core functions of ARCA is to advocate through the state legislative and budgetary processes for the formal positions adopted by its Board of Directors, or, when necessary, its Executive Committee. The Board-approved Legislative Positions Standard will ensure success in this area for the benefit of California’s developmental services system.
The Remote and In-Person Planning Team Meetings standard will support regional centers to implement AB 162 related to remote planning team meetings and conducting in-person meetings or visits for those served by regional centers.
May 16 – ARCA’s response to the Governor’s May Revise is now available.
- Tri-Counties Regional Center has released a series of videos about the HCBS Final Rule. Press release available
- Our ongoing public webinars are archived and available.
- Sign up for our regular news mailer, including info on upcoming webinars and events! The three most recent editions are:
- ARCA’s various infographics are all in one place.
Schedule of Board meetings
- March 21, 2025 – 9am-noon in Sacramento, location TBD. Zoom registration available one month prior. Agenda available one week prior.
- June 26, 2025 – 9am-noon in Sacramento, location TBD. Zoom registration available one month prior. Agenda available one week prior.
- August 22, 2025 – 9am-noon in Southern California, location TBD. Zoom registration available one month prior. Agenda available one week prior.
- October 17, 2025 – 9am-noon in Southern California, location TBD. Zoom registration available one month prior. Agenda available one week prior.
Para garantizar que se pueda atender una solicitud de interpretación, la inscripción debe completarse siete días antes de la reunión. Haremos todo lo posible para proporcionar interpretación si se solicita después de esta fecha límite, pero no podemos garantizar que esté disponible.
To ensure a request for interpretation can be accommodated, registration must be completed seven days before the meeting. We will make every effort to provide interpretation if requested after this deadline, but cannot guarantee it will be available.
Current Board Roster
A full list of Board members for the current year, July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, is available here. ARCA’s Board of Directors is made up of two representatives from each regional center, including a representative from its own board of directors (“Delegate”) and its Executive Director.
Strategic Plan
The work of the Association is governed by a three-year strategic plan. The current plan, running from Fiscal Years 2023/24 through 2025/26, is available here.